The second thought that excites me is the fact that my trip is less than a month away now. It is funny how so much of the time seems to go so slow, but as the trip approaches, it seems to come so fast. Next week will be March; how exciting! If my blog ends on March 23, it means that I have decided not to come back.

The final thought of the night is about the pursuit of happiness. I forget sometimes that I am not in complete control of my destiny. I remember learning about the different theories in my humanities class in high school. We discussed naturalism, existentialism, and other thoughts on life and fate. I remember reading McTeague and being so frustrated because it focuses on nothing being in our power and everything just being our fate. Personally, I believe we are in control, but only up to a certain point. I can choose to drive my car to work, but another car may hit me and end my life. I didn't choose to die, but something out of my power decided for me.

So until I can be sure of my destiny, I continue trying my best.
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