When we returned home from lunch I pulled out my mat cutter and custom cut two mats for pictures to be framed in the old computer room. I love cutting mats. I know I am weird.
Later in the afternoon my dad, aunt Lori, and I sat down to try to create a tentative schedule for our trip. We took a directional approach and based the days around when the markets would be open. This trip is going to be so different than any trip I've been on and I cannot wait. We will be cruising along the Provencal roads in search of antiques, food, wine, history (maybe Mary Magdalene?), scenery, ruins, and whatever else comes our way. Be ready for an explosion of pictures when I return. If I could be in a constant state of planning for a trip, I think that I would be happy.
The night ended with a lovely dinner of Parmesan Chicken, story-telling, and laughter. Many conversations broke out, but unfortunately it was time to begin the journey back home. Sometimes I feel too lucky to be given all of this love in my life. I know so many that do not have experiences like this and I always wonder how I deserve the family I was dealt.
Thanks for capturing the day so beautifully with your words and pix. It was so good to see you even if you weren't feeling 100%. Thank your dad for me for the all those long hours of driving. I agree with you, half of the fun of traveling is planning and dreaming of far off places.