Reclaiming Experience

This blog is a tool for recording my experiences as well as evaluating my day-to-day life. With my camera in hand, I will make meaning out of my life.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day 289: Blocked

I'm having a hard time deciding what to write about for my homework assignment.  We have two choices.  We can write about a childhood memory, or write about something we've never told anyone.  I don't really want to write about either, but I'll probably go with the second option.

On a more positive note, I have made my decision about Novel Writing Month.  I am going to write, but in my own way.  I don't really want to write a novel right now.  Instead, I want to put my writing energy towards my travel guide.  I am going to dedicate a minimum of one hour per day towards writing for the entire month of November (yes, even Thanksgiving).  I might as well work on what I want.  My novel ideas will wait.  I will use the remainder of this month to do some research about my topic.

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