I read an article about a woman creating goals by outlining her perfect life. She put them in order from the first to be achieved to the last. Then, she came up with plans to reach these goals. I really like this idea and I want to create my own. I was planning on it tonight, but I don't think I have the energy quite yet. This may be a weekend task. It is only a little past seven, and I wish I was in pajamas in bed. I need to work on this.
My day ended on a very positive note. I had a couple students from the past surprise me with a visit. It was great to catch up and hear where their lives are going. They are in high school, so as you can imagine, times are rough. But they are young and can achieve anything. I was going to take a picture of the signs they posted all around my room, but I forgot my camera. That will have to be my picture tomorrow.
Today's picture shows water that I drank while in Italy, but have found here also. It is a mineral water and I'm going to think like the Europeans and value its health benefits.
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