My Perfect Life
1. Be more relaxed
Read every night
Prepare for the next day the night
Plan outfit night before
Spend time outside everyday
Don’t avoid things that worry me,
attack them
2. Use my time more wisely
Watch less TV (maybe a half hour a
Use free time to read or write
3. Become a writer
Take a class
Take advantage of workshops
(especially abroad)
Write everyday
Create an outline
Read more books with the style I
want to write in and break apart the elements to determine the key components
Discover how I write best (strict
schedule or flexibility, location, and style)
4. Travel abroad at least once a year
Decide around Thanksgiving where I
will go
Book a plane by the end of the year
Continue to earn points for travel
Cut back on useless expenses
Excess food
Save at least $100 each paycheck
when credit card is paid off
Stop impulse buying
Meet more travel partners to share
costs with
4. Become multilingual
Begin with Spanish through the
Rosetta Stone program
Hopefully complete within a year
Continue onto French or Italian after
Spanish (depending on travel plans)
Maintain language with practice
(Spanish=dad, Crystal, travels, other Spanish-speaking people around me)
5. Connect
Attend the Rick Steves reunion
Try to contact extended family at
least once a month
Think of others in everyday life
and share moments that remind me of them
Attend more social events when
6. Have a plan for something new to reignite excitement
Be sure there is something
happening each month to look forward to such as travel, class, reaching a goal,
7. Determine other possible careers
Investigate tour guide
Determine writing prospective
Shadow possible options
Continue to try to find enjoyment
in current career
8. Relocate
Take time to investigate the best
Find job
9. Get married to the love of my life
Engage in more activities I enjoy
to try to meet someone with similar interests
Be more open to opportunities
Spend less time at home