So yesterday I was in a little bit of a lower place, but today I find myself feeling a bit better. I think that going back to work was a bit of a shock that I wasn't prepared for. It was like going from the hot tub to the freezing pool. Now that I've been in the water a little longer, I'm feeling more acclimated. There is still a lot work ahead of me, but when isn't that true?
Today's picture (technically tomorrow's picture) shows the time on my clock when I got home from hanging out with Ashley. We had such a fun time hanging out at Quigley's that we ended up staying for about 7 hours. First, we had a lot of catching up to do, so that takes time. Then we were serenaded by this choir group comprised of a bunch of older men. How can you leave when people keep singing to you? Apparently they meet there every Tuesday and tonight they were celebrating a friend moving to Arizona and a bartender leaving for teaching. We also had a lot of fun chatting with others at the bar and discussing life. It was a great night.
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