Reclaiming Experience

This blog is a tool for recording my experiences as well as evaluating my day-to-day life. With my camera in hand, I will make meaning out of my life.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 99: Easter Sunday

I woke up around 11 last night with such pain in my throat.  Not a scratchy pain, but a tight, I can't swallow or breathe pain.  I got up to fix some tea and take some advil.  From there I didn't wake up till after 6.  

It was a slow moving morning since we weren't going to brunch until 11.  While my grandmother and mom were out for their walk around the lake, I was exploring old memories while taking pictures.  I took my camera down to the flat.  When I walk down there it is like a walk in the past.  I know this is cliche, but there are so many memories down here.  Driving the mower, playing catch with my cousin, trying to jump across the creek and not making it, sitting on the pipe, sledding down the hill and my cousin's dog chasing us and thrashing us around when she caught up.  This weekend has been full of nostalgia and I feel as if the memories are over.  I don't see Decatur being a place for new memories, and it is kind of sad.  

The time came for brunch, so we went to the airport.  They had a great menu for Easter.  I enjoyed the prime rib, meatballs, and chocolate fountain.  We went back to get Kendra from the house and we made our way back north to go home.

Overall, this was kind of a strange weekend.  It could be because I was sick, am still not feeling home after being gone for a week, or am just in a funk.  Hopefully this week I will start to feel more normal.

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