So far in the book I have a card I picked up in New Orleans that says "I am art therefore I am." I still find my mind trying to comprehend the quotation, but I like it. I also have a drawing of Kendra that I started awhile back. I know it is not an exact likeness, but I like drawing and I'm not done with it. Finally, I have a self-portrait.

I love this class because it is forcing me to think the way that I want to. Normally I would not do these things because I would feel like I don't have time, but when it is a requirement, I must do it. I am really hoping that when I finish grad school in March I will start to take classes on personal interests. I really want to take an art class. Interior design would be fun. There are so many things to learn out there that I just want to try it all.
I really like this saying! :)