60 days ago I created my perfect life outline after reading an article. It has been two months, I think it is time to reflect and revise a little. Here is what I created with comments in italics.
My Perfect Life
1. Be more relaxed
Read every night
Haven't exactly done that...
Prepare for the next day the night
I've tried to improve this, but is still a work in progress. It shouldn't be that hard...
Plan outfit night before
Done! 1 goal reached so far.
Spend time outside everyday
Well duh, I knew I could do this one. Especially with Kendra.
Don’t avoid things that worry me,
attack them
I have improved on this.
2. Use my time more wisely
Watch less TV (maybe a half hour a
I watch very little TV now. I'll have it on sometimes, but I'm usually doing something else.
Use free time to read or write
What am I doing with my free time? Or do I not have much?
3. Become a writer
Take a class
Did that.
Take advantage of workshops
(especially abroad)
Will do that.
Write everyday
I am writing everyday, but maybe not as productively as I'd like.
Create an outline
Does a mental outline count? I even came up with a new idea.
Read more books with the style I
want to write in and break apart the elements to determine the key components
I've looked at a couple.
Discover how I write best (strict
schedule or flexibility, location, and style)
Probably not during the school year.
4. Travel abroad at least once a year
Decide around Thanksgiving where I
will go
Check that off the list for this year. Plans are made!
Book a plane by the end of the year
Prices for flights are going down. Come on Aer Lingus.
Continue to earn points for travel
I am, but probably not optimally. I need to focus on my debt right now.
Cut back on useless expenses
I struggle with this.
Excess food
Doing better.
Save at least $100 each paycheck
when credit card is paid off
Credit card is not paid off yet. :(
Stop impulse buying
I wanted to buy a new couch today, but didn't.
Meet more travel partners to share
costs with
Maybe I will have people that will come visit me in Paris.
4. Become multilingual
Begin with Spanish through the
Rosetta Stone program
I have not worked on this lately, but will during winter break.
Hopefully complete within a year
So far, I am not on track with this goal.
Continue onto French or Italian after
Spanish (depending on travel plans)
One step at a time, Melissa.
Maintain language with practice
(Spanish=dad, Crystal, travels, other Spanish-speaking people around me)
Que es esto?
5. Connect
Attend the Rick Steves reunion
Plans may have changed. Flights are expensive and I am poor.
Try to contact extended family at
least once a month
This is probably the easiest task. I love talking to my family.
Think of others in everyday life
and share moments that remind me of them
Attend more social events when
I have been a social butterfly lately. I have gone a little crazy with this goal.
6. Have a plan for something new to reignite excitement
Be sure there is something
happening each month to look forward to such as travel, class, reaching a goal,
I think I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving most this month.
7. Determine other possible careers
Investigate tour guide
I hope to talk with Jennifer soon.
Determine writing prospective
Pretty much just a work in progress. I will know more this summer.
Shadow possible options
Have not done.
Continue to try to find enjoyment
in current career
Finding some gems in what I do.
8. Relocate
Take time to investigate the best
I will stay here another year. This is a much longer term goal.
Find job
Once again, much longer term goal.
9. Get married to the love of my life
Engage in more activities I enjoy
to try to meet someone with similar interests
Succeeded with this.
Be more open to opportunities
Still working on this, but improvements have been made.
Spend less time at home
Definitely have done this.