Reclaiming Experience
This blog is a tool for recording my experiences as well as evaluating my day-to-day life. With my camera in hand, I will make meaning out of my life.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Day 274: Perfect Fall Sunday
Today was the kind of day that beckons you to come outside. I love this kind of weather. I decided to hang out with my dad today. We went to the farmers market in Frankfurt. The dogs were so spunky and full of life. We decided to go back home and get Kendra to walk her along the river. I'm back inside now and I'm considering going back out. It is just too nice.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Day 273: Diving the Sky (Again)
My dad loved skydiving so much earlier this year, that he
decided he was going to go again. This time he brought along Crystal's
friend, Lori. It was another awesome day at the hanger. The weather
was beautiful, so waiting for them to jump was nice. My dad was paired
with an Australian man that all of us ladies were swooning over. What a
cool life these people have. Who knows, maybe next time I'll be
Friday, September 28, 2012
Day 272: Describe an Experience
I went to my class tonight to further my ability to write about my life's adventures. This week's homework is to select an experience and write about it. We have to include dialogue, detail, and reader appeal. I think I am going to select a moment from the trip that truly began my infatuation with traveling (especially abroad). It was the summer after 8th grade and I was so lucky to be able to travel with my aunts, grandmother, and mom. I can't wait to reminisce about some of those moments that started it all for me.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Day 271: Knowledge Through Reading
I selected some materials from my library to enhance my story-telling abilities. I have been watching a lot of foreign films lately and reading travel writing. One of my new favorite actors is Romain Duris. T.S. Eliot has said that "we read to know that we are not alone." It is comforting to read about the adventures and misadventures of others.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Day 270: Homework

The first picture shows the one I selected for my class. The second picture shows the one I actually like better.
POV 1-Older Couple Nearby*
*Imagine this being said in
We had
the place to ourselves until they came.
The only noise we heard was the clank of our plates, silverware, and
glasses mingling together. We come here
early to avoid the noise and people.
Visiting the Eisenhut Restaurant after five in the evening reveals a
different atmosphere. Just below the
main dining terrace you will find a biergarten usually only visited by
locals. Somehow these Americans stumbled
upon our secret lunch location.
group is loud considering the absence of other diners. Klaudia and I watch them for a few minutes
and try to grasp some of their English sentences. Neither of us was very familiar with the language,
so the information we did collect was fairly vague. There appears to be two couples, two sisters,
and one young woman on her own from what we can understand.
wondered how they knew each other. She
figured they must be long time acquaintances because of the ease of their
interactions. They drank rosé wine and
shared plates. The young woman on her
own had a huge camera and kept taking pictures of the dishes and her tablemates.
Watching them interact with the waiter showed that they
knew little of our language. One of the
men in the group took the lead with describing what the dishes were. He must have had some high school
German. Beyond “prost,” the rest were
I was amazed at their confidence and comfort in this new
place, despite the language barrier. The
young woman was even brazen enough to grab plates from the waiter’s station
when they realized they were short the correct number of plates.
Towards the end of their meal, they scattered about
trying to get a group photo. One of the
men had a tiny tripod that he tried to attach to the oversized camera. They positioned the camera, and then they
positioned themselves, bumping shoulders and leaning in to fit in the shot.
The friends lingered for almost two hours before leaving. Once again, the place was quiet and all we
could hear was the fountain in the lower terrace.
POV 2-My Digital SLR Camera
She relied on me like a pillar for over a year now. I am her crutch. I am her excuse to get out and possibly talk to
people. There was one before me, but I
am a better model with improved features.
She rarely leaves me at home for fear of missing a moment. The moments happen regardless of my presence,
but she doesn’t seem to understand that.
I appreciate my status, but at some point she has to realize that living
the moment is more powerful than capturing it on a little SD card. Perhaps it is her nostalgic nature that
relies on me.
Although our time together has not been that long, I’ve
seen a change in her. The fact that I
will soon be taking a group photo of her with people she has only known five
days is representative of her change. The
change actually began before today. Day
one, she brought me out immediately to photograph the group at dinner. Day two, she bought wine, meat, cheese, and
crackers to share with people she had just met hours before. I can see a comfort level in her that she
doesn’t usually show this early on. She
drinks wine when she wants, and shares meals and sips with her new
friends. Conversation comes naturally
rather than her desperately searching for something to discuss. Even when there is silence, it is okay
because her purpose is not to entertain; they seem to like her regardless.
I worry for her because I see her growing dependent on
others. I find her using me to snap
shots of the other group members. It
appears she is trying to hold onto every moment with each person. She never needed that before; other than a
few very close individuals. Although I
see positive changes, I’m worried she will have difficulty recovering when her
new friends are no longer around. What
will happen when she is not around people that need this like she does? I hope she can find comfort, even when this
group is separated.
POV 3-Mine
We searched the inner and outer city of Rothenburg for a
biergarten, but found ourselves unsuccessful.
Apparently Germans don’t let the festivities begin until five pm. Settling is not in our nature as travelers,
but what are you to do when hunger drives you?
Listening to the trusty voice in our Rick Steves’s guidebook, we made
our way inside a hotel restaurant. They
also have a biergarten, but of course we had not reached the hours of operation
just yet.
Walking onto the terrace made me question whether the
dining experience would be in our budgets.
It was an elegant hotel with empty tables perfectly set, waiting for the
rush to arrive. The outdoor seating was
even more stunning. Our level was
equipped for eating while the terrace below was sectioned off as the
biergarten. When I create a mental image
of a biergarten, I visualize picnic tables lined up for optimal seating. Instead, you find a fountain, gardens, and a
view above the town.
As we approached our assigned table, we only saw one
older couple ordering their lunch. They
appeared to be locals, so at least that was a positive sign. Our first gaze at the menu confirmed Rick’s
recommendation. Several dishes appealed
to us, so a few of us decided to share some samples with each other.
While we munched on our “crisply green salad,” meat
plate, and stuffed mushrooms, I felt content from the ease of the interactions
with these people. Some may argue that
it was the wine that distracted my typical worries, but I know that even wine
is not that potent. I was sharing
plates, sipping from other drinks, and simply taking in the pleasure of sharing
this meal with company. I’ve never felt
so much joy from eating with people I’ve only known five days. Perhaps it is the special circumstances that
create this atmosphere. Would I have
connected with these people outside of this experience? It is hard to answer the “what ifs” of life,
but I found myself not really analyzing the situation. I was just living.
Apparently I wasn’t the only one taking in the moment
because we decided a group photo was in order.
As I took a friend’s mini tripod and attached it to my gigantic camera,
I hoped that for once, time would slow down.
Even though it was only day five of twenty-one, I knew time was going to
pass too quickly. I couldn’t begin to
think of the day we would have to say goodbye.
At least I would have this photograph to immortalize this moment in my
Monday, September 24, 2012
Day 268: Think Like a Winner
I selected a different kind of picture today. I decided to use a print screen to show you what I'm working on. Rick Steves has a contest for his tour alum of 2012. The goal is to create the best scrapbook website. I am going to create the winning website for 2012. Guess what the grand prize is.... A free tour.
I am going to put everything into this website. I was telling my dad that maybe this is the closure I need for my trip. Coming home is almost like going through a death. I found a quotation by Jefferson that I really like: "...[they] return to their home as to a place of exile and condemnation. Their eyes are forever turned back to the object they have lost, and its recollection poisons the residue of their lives." He discusses how traveling brings wisdom and not happiness. I can't help but agree. It brings happiness while you are in the moment, but then when you return to the day-to-day, it seems bland. He is a smart man.
I am going to put everything into this website. I was telling my dad that maybe this is the closure I need for my trip. Coming home is almost like going through a death. I found a quotation by Jefferson that I really like: "...[they] return to their home as to a place of exile and condemnation. Their eyes are forever turned back to the object they have lost, and its recollection poisons the residue of their lives." He discusses how traveling brings wisdom and not happiness. I can't help but agree. It brings happiness while you are in the moment, but then when you return to the day-to-day, it seems bland. He is a smart man.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Day 267: Reading Machine
I read four books this weekend so I could start guided reading on Monday. Believe it or not, this time crunch was not due to my procrastination. Having to read all weekend was not so bad. The only bummer is the restraint it has on going out or doing other things. It involves a lot of sitting or laying down. I tried to break up the sedentary time with walking Kendra and working on my writing in public. I needed some human interaction.
On one of my little breaks I did find another possible apartment for Paris. It is under $1300 for a month. It is a studio, but I don't really need much space, I need a prime location that is safe and affordable. The more money I save on the accommodations, the more places I can visit on day trips. I really would like to go to Bruges (in Belgium), the Normandy beaches, revisit Giverny, maybe see the trianon in Versailles, and who knows where else.
Tonight my plans include eating and watching a French movie. Perhaps I'll even read...
On one of my little breaks I did find another possible apartment for Paris. It is under $1300 for a month. It is a studio, but I don't really need much space, I need a prime location that is safe and affordable. The more money I save on the accommodations, the more places I can visit on day trips. I really would like to go to Bruges (in Belgium), the Normandy beaches, revisit Giverny, maybe see the trianon in Versailles, and who knows where else.
Tonight my plans include eating and watching a French movie. Perhaps I'll even read...
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Day 266: 99 Days Left
I am now under 100 days until I have successfully completed my mission with this blog. I don't know what I will do afterwards. I originally thought I'd stick with this because I find it valuable, but I my thoughts have changed. I want to keep writing everyday, but I think it is time to apply that writing time towards my project. The blog is beneficial because it holds me accountable. I will have to find a way to stay accountable with my book. I won't be able to post all of my writings because that will give my book away... We will have to see. I guess I have 99 days to figure it out.
Tonight I fixed duck confit with mushroom risotto and roasted vegetables. It was delicious.
Tonight I fixed duck confit with mushroom risotto and roasted vegetables. It was delicious.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Day 265: Free Wisdom

I wanted to share a link with my readers that I thought was interesting. On this site you can find 530 classes for free, and many of them offered by very reputable schools. I think I will have to check it out and you should too. Click me so you can become a wiser human being.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Day 264: I Like Learning
Tonight was my first class of "Write your Life Adventures." It is funny that I still get a little nervous about starting something new. I feel no different than I did in kindergarten. I remember putting on my new backpack, getting my back to school picture, and walking into the school full of opportunities. In the end, each year I hoped I would make new friends. I hope for tonight, as a student that has a masters and is perusing her personal interests, I make new friends. Some things are a constant in our lives.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Day 263: Art Day
I don't know that I have much to write about today. I did what I normally do. It was an art day at school which means I get 40 extra minutes of planning. These days are something special. That was probably the highlight.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Day 262: Lofty Thoughts
I was just getting ready to go to bed tonight as I had a trailing thought about my trip this summer. I remember going to the Neuwachstein Castle and being really disappointed because it was covered in scaffolding. I think this castle is so picturesque and I really wanted to capture how fantastic it was. Well, so much for that idea. We also visited the Hohenschwangau Castle which is the neighboring castle (came before Neuwachstein). For some reason, I was thinking about my favorite room in this castle. It was the king's bedroom (I think). Anyway, above his bed, you could find little slits in the ceiling and each night, his servants would light candles so the stars would glow. This is way better than glow in the dark stars on your ceiling. A lot of people thought that King Ludwig was mad, but maybe he was just really imaginative. I'd love to go lay down now under man-made stars.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Day 260: 6 Day Work Week
I had my free time on Saturday, so that means Sunday is work day. I planned, graded, read, e-mailed, and did everything else that I could think of. I doubt that my work is done. I always find when I go in Monday morning that I have about 20 more things that I need to do. Busy, busy, busy.
Today's picture shows my inspiration board. You can see my mosaic picture, "Europe Through the Back Door" philosophy, Paris map marked by our bus driver for site recommendations, poem shared by a friend, and my metro map. I took the idea of an inspiration board from Flow by Daniel Pink.
Today's picture shows my inspiration board. You can see my mosaic picture, "Europe Through the Back Door" philosophy, Paris map marked by our bus driver for site recommendations, poem shared by a friend, and my metro map. I took the idea of an inspiration board from Flow by Daniel Pink.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Day 259: Beouf Bourguignon

I also did some Paris apartment searching. Right now, this is my number one choice. It is small, but it is in the kind of neighborhood I want to stay in. I'm including a link to the apartment and the street view so you can see what I'm talking about.
Street View
I finished my night with some French movies. I am a fan of Romain Duris, so I watched Heartbreaker and Russian Dolls. I loved them both. The first is pretty cliche chic flick, but I still liked it.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Day 258: The Zoo and School Famliy Get Together
I love going to the zoo, but I still feel it is not a sufficient home for the animals. Gorillas are my favorite animals and every time I visit them, I think you can feel what they are thinking. Their facial expressions and body language are so similar to ours. I wonder what this poor girl is thinking.
After the field trip at the zoo, the staff went out to celebrate Friday and working with each other. It was nice to socialize for awhile after a good day.
After the field trip at the zoo, the staff went out to celebrate Friday and working with each other. It was nice to socialize for awhile after a good day.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Day 257: Curriculum Night
I finally made it through this day. It was much longer than I anticipated, especially after that wine dinner last night. Overall I have to say that it went very well and parents seemed to be pleased. I hope I can keep it that way. Today's pictures show my eyes lately. How sad. I know I am getting older, but really? Say no to baggy eyes and crow's feet.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Day 256: Wine Dinner
Although I don't feel like I have the time to go to a wine dinner, I am greatly looking forward to relaxing and enjoying an amazing meal paired with fine wine.
While we were waiting to be seated, I browsed their wine selection. I was amazed to find they had wine from the winery I visited in Burgundy this summer. I love coming across those little connections that remind you of great times. How funny that they have wine from that winery.
The menu for tonight includes:
Black Cherry and Chocolate Cake Crème Brulee
Justin, Isosceles, 2008
While we were waiting to be seated, I browsed their wine selection. I was amazed to find they had wine from the winery I visited in Burgundy this summer. I love coming across those little connections that remind you of great times. How funny that they have wine from that winery.
The menu for tonight includes:
Dinner paired by
Executive Chef Eddie Sweeney
Sous Chef Jesus Pasindo
Executive Chef Eddie Sweeney
Sous Chef Jesus Pasindo
French Onion Gougere
Caramelized onion cream
Filet Mignon Tartare
Capers, onions, dill pickle, sweet potato chip
Justin, Justification, 2009
French Onion Gougere
Caramelized onion cream
Filet Mignon Tartare
Capers, onions, dill pickle, sweet potato chip
Justin, Justification, 2009
1st Course
Smoked Salmon Chowder
Pumpernickel and dill croutons
Justin, Cabernet Sauvignon, 2010
Smoked Salmon Chowder
Pumpernickel and dill croutons
Justin, Cabernet Sauvignon, 2010
2nd Course
Georges Bank Scallops
Butternut squash risotto, bacon vinaigrette
Justin, Chardonnay, 2010
Georges Bank Scallops
Butternut squash risotto, bacon vinaigrette
Justin, Chardonnay, 2010
3rd Course
Filet Mignon
Cauliflower puree, pommes frites, shallot sherry au jus
Justin, Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve, 2009
Filet Mignon
Cauliflower puree, pommes frites, shallot sherry au jus
Justin, Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve, 2009
4th Course
Foie Gras and Mushroom Hash
Honey gastrique, fried egg, ciabatta crostiniJustin, Obtuse, 2009
5th CourseFoie Gras and Mushroom Hash
Honey gastrique, fried egg, ciabatta crostiniJustin, Obtuse, 2009
Black Cherry and Chocolate Cake Crème Brulee
Justin, Isosceles, 2008
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Day 255: Tired Tuesday
It is only Tuesday. Ugh. I spent my night working on some things for school. Nothing to exciting to write about. I wonder if people spread their work out on the floor like I do. Sometimes I just need to see it all before me so I can make a plan of attack.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Day 254: Another Manic Monday
I wish it was Sunday. You could say that I had a case of the Mondays today. The weekend was consumed with what felt like a lot of work. I had some fun, but I feel that the fun/not fun balance was not equal. I tried to do so much this weekend, and then I get to work today feeling that I have twice as much to do still. It might be because I'm a little nervous about this week. We have curriculum night and I'm trying to be as prepared as possible. We also have a field trip, so that always puts on a little pressure. It didn't help that I forgot my jump drive this morning and had to come back home to get it.
I think one of the reasons I am a little nervous about curriculum night has to do with my insufficient communication. I just realized that parents can't access the students' grades yet, so they are probably wondering how their child is doing. I am just now sending out the website, but it took me some time to figure out how I wanted to set it up and what I should share. I'm a newbie, and I am trying to make sure I know what I am doing before I get ahead of myself. I hope my parents are pleased with what I am doing... I think I will feel better when I have made it through the week.
At least I have my Spanish to help distract me from being too overwhelmed.
I think one of the reasons I am a little nervous about curriculum night has to do with my insufficient communication. I just realized that parents can't access the students' grades yet, so they are probably wondering how their child is doing. I am just now sending out the website, but it took me some time to figure out how I wanted to set it up and what I should share. I'm a newbie, and I am trying to make sure I know what I am doing before I get ahead of myself. I hope my parents are pleased with what I am doing... I think I will feel better when I have made it through the week.
At least I have my Spanish to help distract me from being too overwhelmed.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Day 253: Eiffel Tower

I thought I'd share a little writing with you today. I was hoping to accomplish much more, but my workload is too full. In the piece below you can see my intro to my chapter on the Eiffel Tower neighborhood. It is in the roughest draft form because I haven't even read back through it to see if it makes sense or to enhance my word choice. I thought it might be interesting for you to see where I start and then how it transforms into something much better (hopefully). Later I will post a revised version.
5: Eiffel Tower
The first time I saw the Eiffel Tower, I was not as wowed
as many others are. Comparing the images
from books and videos to what I saw in front of me was unsatisfying. The area seemed dirty and filled with cheap
souvenirs. I remember seeing lush greens
on the Champ de Mars sprinkled with couples picnicking and taking in the
icon. When I was there I saw littered
grass, ugly temporary fences keeping people off the grass, and smog from buses
clouded my view. My second return to the
tower was about the same. It was just
not what I had imagined. Perhaps my expectations
were too high.
It wasn’t till my third trip that I found appreciation
I was in Paris for one day and I was ridiculous in my attempt to see all
of my favorites of Paris. I purchased a
carnet and used it all in one day. My
hotel was on Rue Cler which is a great neighborhood if you are interested in
staying near the Eiffel Tower. Towards
the end of my evening, I put my metro tickets away and prepared for my Paris
stroll. I could see the Eiffel Tower
from the end of the block, so I started walking in that direction. My walk took me through a new area that felt
more residential and genuine. As I
reached the end of a new block, the Eiffel Tower peaked through, growing in
size as I approached it. The contrast of
the picturesque sky, pale yellow homes, full green leaves, and vintage metal created
a palate of beautiful colors. Soon the
buildings came to an end as I approached a park. I had only seen the tower from the front and
back, but never the sides. I think that
everyone’s first view should be from the east side. This wonderful garden masks the roar from the
tourists on the other side. The trees
frame the Eiffel Tower as you get closer and closer. It felt as though this view was much more intimate. It was this moment that made me realize how
beautiful the architecture is.
Entering the city on my most recent trip was enhanced by
the symbol of Paris. Now as I see it in
the distance, I know that I am in Paris.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Day 252: Que es esto?
Crystal and I celebrated the summer coming to an end by going to the Festival of the Vine in Geneva. Although leaves will soon be falling and bare stems will be left, it is wine season! Well, I guess that I think every season is wine season, but this is the time for harvesting and making wine. We had fun into the late evening hours.
We thought this picture was kind of funny because the girl is kind of photo bombing us.
We thought this picture was kind of funny because the girl is kind of photo bombing us.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Day 251: Wedding Day
No, I didn't get married today, but my friend did. Her ceremony was so beautiful. It was nice because the judge seemed to know them on a more personal level, so the speech felt very genuine. We were worried the weather was not going to hold out, but it ended up being just perfect. Here you can see the bride and her dad.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Day 250: Scrubbing Day
I wonder if anyone else out there appreciates vacuum lines as much as I do. I see those streaks and I think: clean. Tonight was cleaning night at mi casa. Every time I attack my place, Pippi Longstocking comes to mind. I used to LOVE the song "Scrubbing Day." I didn't find cleaning as fun as Pippi does, but I do feel productive.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Day 249: Heavy Bones
I don't have too much to say about today. I think that today's picture of Kendra represents how I feel right now. I'm tired. Worn out. I want to work on writing, but I just don't feel the physical or mental motivation to do so. I did work on my Spanish. I think I may go lay down so I can look at the cielo.
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